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Blog Income Report and Stats 2022

Welcome to my blog income report! Wow, 2022 was equally terrible and good at the same time. This year I had my baby, moved twice, started my blog, and moved my family back in with my mom. I definitely feel like I’m starting all over in life but it’s like a new start and it’s kinda exciting.

In this post, however, I want to talk about my blog progress in just the short time I’ve been blogging to show realistic blogging for money. I haven’t made outstanding money or views or anything but I have made steady progress and I’m very excited for 2023. Here’s a little overview of how I started my blog.

I purchased my subscription to Bluehost 4 days before I had my son.

See, I’ve been starting and stopping and longing to start a blog for about 4 years now. My family probably rolls their eyes every time I start talking about my blog because I have quit so many freakin’ times lol. However, in February 2021 I finally purchased a year of Bluehost and I was actually ready to start my passion.

Until I wasn’t…

I had my son 4 days later and I was stuck in the hospital for 4 days due to having an emergency C-section. My birth was so traumatic. I struggled for the first few months of my son’s life and I felt so scared and lost and confused. I’m entirely responsible for a whole human being and his future. That thought is one of those ones that hit you like a train when you’re least expecting it.

I was overwhelmed.

I put off my blog one more time. I spent the next 6 months learning how to be a mom and how to be more patient with myself and manage my time. I always had my blog in the back of my mind. After all, this is my dream. I want this so insanely bad that after 6 months of learning my new life, I decided to fight for myself and my big crazy dream.

I published my first blog post on August 30th, 2022.

I launched the post How I’m Finding Myself Again in Parenthood and swore that this would be my official start. I would work with my blog like a full-time job and grow insanely. Excitement consumed me as I saw my blog post up on my blog. I’d seen this before with my previous tries, but this time felt different. I didn’t post my next post until November 20th, 2022. Since then I’ve posted almost every week and I still managed to grow my blog more than expected.

Blog income report: The Numbers.

My 2022 monthly views.

In August I received 59 views for the month. My first month was exciting to see viewers since I wasn’t expecting to have any traffic for a while.

Blog income report. August 2022 site stats for is 59 views!

In September that number bumped up to 132 views without having published any new posts. I grew 124% in just my second month. This was exciting news!

Blog income report: September blog stats for is 132 views

October wasn’t much different with only one view more at 133 views. But hey, that’s still growth! Especially since I didn’t launch any posts that month either.

Blog income report: October 2022 blog stats for is 133 views.

November is when it gets exciting. I really spent time making sure I posted and I made sure I posted on Pinterest as well. I posted 3 posts that month and received 191 views which is a 44% increase! I know that seems like a small number to some people and it would’ve been a small number for me a year ago as well. But this time I am just so excited about my steady growth no matter how small.

Blog Income report: blog stats for november 2022 is 191 views.

In December I made more progress with 227 monthly views which is a 19% increase.

Blog income report: blog stats for Dec 2022 is 227 monthly views.

Overall I made steady progress every single month and for that, I am so proud of myself. I’m looking forward to seeing even more growth in 2023.

Pinterest Growth

Pinterest is currently the only social media site I focused on this last year. I will say that I had quite an advantage on Pinterest since I was obsessed with the app as a young teenager and about 4 years ago I switched my account to a business account to prepare for my blogs lol. I hadn’t used Pinterest in a very long time prior to November 20th when I took this screenshot.

I had a 1.4k following to start with so that significantly helped me grow. I only had 70 monthly views on Pinterest. I’ve spent the last few weeks really focusing on posting pins frequently and using keyword-optimized descriptions and this is how much my Pinterest views grew.

I now have 3.9k views in just a little over a month. That’s insane! My followers stayed the same, which I want to work on but the fact that I was able to gain 3,000 views in just one month makes me very proud.

Blog Income Report

This goal is going to be a very big goal for me in 2023. However, I was not expecting to make any money at all this year especially considering I only started my blog a few months ago. I applied for Amazon Associates in November so that I could start working on getting my Associate’s account approved. I created one post 30 Christmas Gifts for Babies on a Budget and I got 37 clicks on my links.

I have made $5.85 from Amazon Associates. This made me so excited! Sure that $5.85 isn’t an amazing amount, but you have no idea how fast I jumped with glee when I opened my Amazon Associates account and saw I had actually earned commissions.

Key things I did to grow my blog.

I focused on posting on Pinterest and making beautiful pins for every post. I know you’ve probably seen bloggers talk about it so many times but Pinterest truly is the best social media app to drive traffic to your blog. I’m very thankful I put in extra time to post almost daily on Pinterest.

I optimized my Pinterest Profile. As you can see in these screenshots, I optimized my account by using keywords to my niche in my name and updated my description. In my old description, I mentioned freebies when they haven’t launched yet.

I tried to post as consistently as I could. I posted almost every week since November and sometime twice a week. I think posting more frequently helped my views go up more.

2023 Goals for My Blog

I have really big plans for my blog in 2023. I’m looking forward to how awesome this year is going to be and I can’t wait to see how much this platform grows. Here are my main goals for my blog in 2023.

Get 5000 views in one month

I plan on driving traffic through mainly Pinterest but I also will work on navigating Instagram in hopes to drive more traffic through there. I want to work on my skills in SEO as well to drive organic traffic through search engines.

Earn my first $1000 from blogging

I plan on making some of my money through Amazon associates. However, I also want to find a sponsor and put ads on my site. I’m looking forward to learning new skills and I also hope to one day have some products for my fellow parents.

Start a Subscriber list and get at least 200 subscribers

I have been working on this one and I’m hoping to launch my subscriber list in January 2023! I want to have a steady audience from my subscriber list.

Post every single week

This one might be the hardest one to achieve but I’m feeling motivated. My goal is to write several posts ahead of time that way the weekly posts are automated. In fact, I really want to work on automating a lot so I can work most efficiently.

Get to 1 million monthly views on Pinterest

I think this one will be easier to achieve as getting monthly views on Pinterest is getting easier and easier. I want to make sure I optimize my Pinterest account and post as often as possible. I’m working with Canva to master my pins and make them as attractive as possible to click on.

Get to 3k followers on Pinterest

I’ve been struggling with gaining followers on Pinterest so I will need to do some research on ways to gain more followers on Pinterest. I’m thinking if I post more videos on Pinterest along with pins, I will get to my goal.

Work on building Instagram

Instagram is tricky for me because I have a hard time posting frequently and making posts that will do well. My goal is to take more photos for Instagram in 2023 and to make more reels. I want to build a close community of parents and hopefully reach people who can be helped through my blog. I’m going to research ways to build my account.

Blog Income Report Summary: I’m looking to next year’s blog income report!

I read so many income reports and often get discouraged because they immediately have tons of views and are making lots of money. My goal with this income report is to encourage anyone who wants to start a blog or anyone who is in the same boat as me.

Steady progress is still progress. Just because you don’t have thousands of monthly views right away doesn’t mean that you’re failing or terrible. Be encouraged by any bit of progress and hype yourself up!

I really hope that this blog income report was encouraging to you. I’m very optimistic about 2023 and look forward to this new wonderful adventure. Thank you so much for reading this post and happy new year! This year is going to be a great one I know it.

Follow me on social media! I’m currently only active on Pinterest and Instagram but I look forward to connecting with you! Leave a comment below for me and say hi!

Check out some of my other posts!

I Did 1 Form Of Self-Care Daily For a Week and Here’s What Happened.

How I’m Finding Myself Again In Parenthood

My Love Letter For New Parents

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my blog! I really hope you’ll come back again soon!

With love,

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