
Kiwi Shorts: My Love Letter to a New Parent

About to be a new parent?

Imagine this…

There you are, the moment you’ve been waiting so long for. You’re bringing your new bundle of joy home.

Anxiety and joy rush through your body and your brain tries to catch up. I am a new parent and responsible for a whole human being starting today.

You get home and bring your baby into the home you’ve lovingly prepared for this day. Feeling full of joy, you give the baby a tour of their new home even when they are likely snoozing away.

Watching your baby as they fade in and out of sleep, working on absorbing their new surroundings you feel so much love for this beautiful human.

Fast forward to a week later and in the middle of the night.

Baby is upset and you’re having trouble calming them. You’ve gone through the checklist, nothing has worked and you feel like this will never end. Guilt consumes you as you feel unable to care for your baby’s needs.

What if I completely f*** them up. I’m a terrible parent. I have no clue what I’m even doing!

Please remember we were all once a new parent.

I don’t want you to feel like I’m minimizing your struggles. My intention is to bring comfort to you.

Sometimes there’s nothing you can do except put your baby in their safe crib and step outside for 5 minutes to collect your thoughts. Remind yourself;

“They’re not giving you a hard time, they’re having a hard time.”


Every. Single. Parent has had struggles. Being a new parent is the hardest job ever if you’re doing it right.

There are the tough days and moments that seem to last forever, but one day your baby will be graduating high school and moving out and you’ll miss every single moment.

Approach the hard times with as much love as you can and keep in the back of your mind all of the amazing times.

Parenthood somehow does and doesn’t get easier. Over time you’ll get used to your baby throwing you curveballs and you’ll get better at adjusting to them. But each stage has a whole new set of problems.

Your baby is new to this crazy world and is working hard on communicating through the only way they know how; crying. they’re navigating through this whole new experience and you get to be the one to comfort them and show them how wonderful life can be.

And guess what! You are totally meant to be this child’s parent. You’re the perfect one for them and as long as you’re forever learning, growing, and apologizing for any mistakes you make because you’re human, then you’re doing amazing. Don’t let anxiety consume you and tell you otherwise.

If you’re in need of a reminder of all of the great things about parenthood, click here to read another Kiwi Short about the wonderful things.

For more wonderful resources, follow me on Pinterest where I pin so many great posts about Parenting, Self-improvement, and Finance.

AND of course, you can contact me anytime if you have a specific question and I will answer back as soon as I can!

Thank you for taking the time to read this short! I appreciate you and I am rooting for you to be the best new parent you can be. I always want to offer a warm embrace and provide comfort for those who need it. If you feel this post helped, Subscribe to hear any time I post and have access to free tools that you can use in your home!

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