When I was pregnant, anytime I complained there was someone who said “Oh just wait until your baby keeps you up all night” “Just wait ‘till you’re chasing your kid around” “Just wait, just wait, just wait”. I was so tired of hearing it and by the end of my pregnancy, I was actually terrified of becoming a mom.
As someone who’s struggled with depression most of my life, I’ve found it’s very important to talk about the bad sh** but also appreciate and focus on the great sh**.
I’ve been seeing more parents pointing out the positives so I wanted to write a short article doing just that. Highlighting the positives of being a parent. I hope you enjoy…
Just wait ‘’til…
-Your little baby smiles up at you admiring every feature of your face
-Your baby laughs at something you did
-When you’re putting away clothes that your baby outgrew and you’re being flooded with bittersweet memories of when they wore certain clothes or how they smelled.
-When they roll over for the first time after weeks of working so hard
Just wait ‘’til…
-They hold their arms out for you to hold them
-You become the only one who can make them happy/ comfort them
-They really laugh because you were playing peekaboo with them
-They find food they absolutely enjoy and make yummy noises
-When they finally say “mama” or “dada”
-You get just a wave of realization that you made the cutest baby in the whole wide world and you’re so proud of them.
Just wait ‘’til…
-You see them peacefully sleeping and dreaming.
-The first time they see snow.
-When their first teeth grow in and they give you a big ol’ cheezy smile
-They’re crawling all over the place and you can see how proud and happy they are of themselves.
-When they’re feeding themselves and making yummy noises.
The reality is…
Some people just genuinely don’t want to see you happy which means they’ll say terrible things to you to ruin your mood. But being a parent is the absolute best thing I’ve ever done and I’d never trade it for the world.
There’s just something so special about watching the child you’re raising grow and learn and evolve. Please never let these negative Nancy’s ruin parenthood for you. You’re doing great! This it the best job in the whole world and we are so lucky to have this responsibility.
If You’re Pregnant…
You are a badass! You’re growing a baby and you should feel excited. This is the beginning of your new exciting chapter.
Try not to let these mean old women tell you that motherhood SUCKS. It’s hard, don’t get me wrong. But the good BY FAR weighs out the bad. I’m so excited for you and you should be too!
Please leave some more positive “just wait” moments in the comments to encourage more new parents!
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this post! I really appreciate you and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day.